Advocates, labor, and social services organizations urge GOP Representatives to reject Trump plan to cut critical health care, economic programs

Advocates, labor, and social services organizations urge GOP Representatives to reject Trump plan to cut critical health care, economic programs 

January 21st, 2024--Today advocates and grassroots activists for the newly-launched People over Profits campaign delivered letters signed by a coalition of nearly 30 advocacy, labor, policy, and social service organizations to GOP Representatives Tom Kean, Jr., Chris Smith and Jeff Van Drew urging them to oppose the Trump administration's plan to make deep cuts to critical programs such as Medicaid, TANF, SNAP, and key subsidies for the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The cuts would pay for trillions in tax breaks for billionaires and corporations while having a devastating effect on millions of New Jerseyans struggling to afford health care, food, housing, and other necessities. 

The letter cites a report released by New Jersey Citizen Action and partners of the For the Many NJ revenue coalition in conjunction with Americans for Tax Fairness and Health Care for America, detailing the New Jerseyans most vulnerable to the proposed cuts, including: 

  • 1.8 million New Jerseyans who depend on Medicaid for health coverage; 
  • 830,000 New Jerseyans on SNAP; 
  • 481,000 New Jerseyans who have enrolled in ACA marketplace plans (enrollment ends January 31st). 

Republicans are already refusing to extend enhanced tax credits that benefit 92% of people who buy ACA coverage. Without these, premiums will shoot up for millions of ACA policyholders, increasing by over 75% on average for ACA enrollees. In New Jersey, a 60-year-old couple making 400% of poverty level income would have to pay an additional $18,100 if the enhanced tax credits are not renewed by the end of 2025.    

“We are deeply disturbed that Republican leaders in Congress are contemplating cuts to these health care and other economic security programs while at the same time pressing to extend and expand the Trump tax cuts which largely benefit wealthy people and corporations,” the coalition stated. “At a time when millions of working families are already struggling with affordability, it is unconscionable to cut healthcare and other economic support programs to finance more giveaways to the richest households and corporations in America.” 

“The Trump administration’s proposals double down on inequality by relying on cuts to critical resources that low- and moderate-income families depend on to pay for tax cuts to the wealthiest,” said Maura Collinsgru, Director of Policy and Advocacy for New Jersey Citizen Action (NJCA).Giving more tax breaks to big corporations and the very wealthy won’t help New Jerseyans struggling to pay health care bills, make rent or pay a mortgage, and put food on the table. Ensuring Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, and other critical programs are properly funded will.” 

“Those who’ve built their fortunes by exploiting others must pay their fair share so we can invest in the people who make our communities strong," said Eric Benson, For the Many Campaign Director. "Healthcare isn’t a luxury; it’s a fundamental right. Meanwhile, giving billionaires massive tax breaks is not just bad policy—it’s immoral.”   

“Too many New Jerseyans are already struggling to pay health care bills, limiting their visits to doctor, or reducing their consumption of needed, sometimes life-saving medicines because of health care costs,” said Laura Waddell, Health Care Program Director for NJCA. “Any cuts to funding that drive costs up will be catastrophic for many New Jersey families.” 

Coalition members urged Representatives Kean Jr., Van Drew, and Smith to listen to their constituents, and requested meetings to discuss the report and the impact of the Trump proposals. “In addition, we would like to invite you to participate in a community town hall/information session with constituents the week of February 16th when House members are in district,” the coalition stated. 

