What do New Jerseyans spend on health care each year? It's been speeding up

New Jerseyans and their employers spent more than $7,900 per person on health care in 2021, a study released Thursday by the Murphy administration found, 15% higher than the national average and a sharp jump from the years before COVID-19.

The increase in spending was driven by higher prices, the authors said, noting that consumers didn't visit hospitals or doctors' offices much more frequently.

"It supports pretty much what we've all been feeling and hearing," said Laura Waddell, health care program director for New Jersey Citizen Action, a consumer group. "Health care affordability has been (an issue) for a long time now and it's been affecting all of us in so many ways."

Read full news story here: https://www.app.com/story/news/health/2024/09/26/new-jersey-per-person-health-care-15-above-national-average/75376524007/