Fair Housing

If you believe you are being discriminated against because of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, familial status or disability, contact us immediately. Please fill out this intake form and someone from NJCA will contact you: Fair Housing Form.

Call: 732-246-4772 Ext. 115

Email: [email protected]

We offer a variety of services and programs centered on Fair Housing in English and Spanish for people throughout New Jersey, ensuring everyone knows their rights and advocating on behalf of those whose rights have been violated.

These services include:

Counseling and Client Advocacy

  • Fair housing counseling for people who have faced housing discrimination
  • Assistance for people with disabilities with requesting reasonable accommodations or modifications
  • Guidance for filing a housing discrimination complaint and recommendations for navigating the legal process
  • Referrals to social service agencies, government agencies, and attorneys

Testing and Investigation Services

We are a HUD-designated fair housing investigation agency. Testing is an investigation tool used to determine whether or not a person looking for housing is being discriminated against because of their race, color, familial status, disability, national origin, religion, sex, or other protected class under federal and state fair housing laws.

For example, testing is used to determine if a landlord is telling families with young children that no apartments are available while telling a family with no children that apartments are available.

How Testing Works: We train “testers” to pose as a person seeking housing or a housing-related service. For example, to test for national origin discrimination, a Latino tester would be sent to a site, followed by a white tester. We then compare the two testers’ experiences at the site and how the testers were treated. This investigative tool can help reveal whether illegal housing discrimination is occurring.

If you’re interested in becoming a tester, email us at [email protected].

Training Programs

We offer Fair Housing training to housing providers, nonprofit organizations, and community groups. Program participants receive accurate, clear, and up-to-date information about their rights and responsibilities under the Fair Housing Act.

Training topics include:

  • Fair Housing 101
  • Fair Housing and Families with Children
  • Fair Housing Advertising Compliance
  • Fair Housing and LGBTQ+
  • Criminal Background Checks and Disparate Impact
  • Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications
  • National and Regional Trends in Fair Housing
  • Zoning, Planning and Land Use

To request a training, contact us at [email protected].