NJCA calls on New Jersey Members of Congress to Stand Against White House order to halt all federal grants and loans

Newark — NJCA Executive Director Dena Mottola Jaborska issued the following statement in response to the White House order to halt federal grants and loans.

"This order to halt federal funding will have devastating consequences for millions of New Jerseyans, including many that New Jersey Citizen Action directly serves. Federal grants enable many organizations like ours to help New Jerseyans to save themselves from foreclosures, afford first-time homebuyer loans, protect themselves from housing discrimination, file their taxes for free, navigate essential social safety-net programs, and achieve financial stability. These key investments have allowed New Jersey to build stronger communities and healthier, thriving families.

"The order would also affect the entire New Jersey nonprofit sector dedicated to serving our state's most vulnerable populations.  These include organizations that provide services for seniors, people with disabilities, children, women, victims of domestic violence, and organizations in the field of mental health. Cutting or curtailing these services would have a destructive impact on the communities they serve.

"It's unconscionable that the Trump administration should halt these investments—which have already been approved by Congress—for American taxpayers while considering further tax cuts for billionaires and corporations. This policy will not "advance a stronger and safer America" or eliminate the "financial burden of inflation for citizens," as the Trump administration claims.  In fact, it will make it harder for millions of New Jerseyans to pay their healthcare bills, make rent or a mortgage, and put food on the table. We urge all New Jersey members of Congress to denounce this abuse of presidential power and call for the funding to resume.  We urge our lawmakers to stand with us, and all New Jerseyans, for the programs that make our state stronger."